How to help a small business? It’s as simple as tagging their page in “Spotted”/”Community” Facebook group posts!

School holidays are drawing to a close. Many parents are starting to look ahead to schools returning within the next few weeks. This moment is pivotal for a tutoring business and/or individuals offering private tutoring — not just us, but all the private tutors out there. Similarly, other business may have particularly important cycles on the calendar. For instance, those who are offering gift wrapping services or bespoke gifts, would likely find that November/early-to-mid December is their ‘target’ moment of the year. So, why is tagging a business in a Facebook post so effective? Tags/recommendations on “Spotted” Facebook groups/”Community” Facebook groups have been, at least for our business, the way that most people have heard about us/started tuition with us. We have done several surveys with our clients throughout the year — some of which have even pointed to a near 100% rate of “Facebook” for the answer to “How did you hear about us?” Anecdotally, Rhys — our director (who is also a musician) — can also vouch for this. He cites one particular instance from the past couple of weeks, where he recommended a friend to play at a gig at a very respectable venue outside of Leicestershire, by tagging their music business page from his personal Facebook account. They got the gig…! It wasn’t the power of Rhys’ post (certainly no blowing of the proverbial trumpet here!) Rather, it was simply having established that initial communication and giving people a name. This can lead to people best locating the best possible services for what they need: they can search your website/socials; they can contact you; they can decide whether they want to use your services or not. If you have used a tutoring business or an individual tutor before, a tag/recommendation is worth its weight in gold. It tells people, who were once in your situation of not knowing who to choose as a tutor, that “this person/company is trustworthy”/”this person/company provides excellent services”. Is it not just “lazy” and “cheap” to get business leads in this way? Absolutely not! At Eduprosper Tuition, we spend a significant part of our budget on marketing (given that we are on Google, regularly boost posts on Facebook, and have also started using LinkedIn). However, from experience, a few tags on a single Facebook post have seemed to prove more effective than any of this. There are various theories online about how effective “Word of Mouth” advertising is compared to “Paid Advertising”. Search results will tell you that a client is between 2 and 10 times more likely to use a service based on Word of Mouth than a paid advert. Without even establishing where the true “likelihood” is, between that 2 and 10 per cent, it is clear that this is most effective way for businesses offering genuinely outstanding services, to continue to offer genuinely outstanding services. To sum it all up… So, if you have used a business/service before and would wholeheartedly recommend them, please take ten seconds to tag them in that Facebook post. It really does go a long way. An example of one Facebook page where Eduprosper Tuition have been tagged, this week [with a group member asking for recommendations for an English tutor].

New ‘Masterclasses’ section: first session announced!

So, our first website as Eduprosper Tuition launched yesterday (18th April 2024)! One new feature which I am pleased to introduce you to is the ‘Masterclasses’ page here.  Parents and carers can navigate to this page in order to: browse through the details of the upcoming ‘Masterclass’ sessions; determine whether or not there are spaces available on the given group session; directly register their child for the event(s) and pay via the portal. At the time of writing this blog post, our first Masterclass session as Eduprosper Tuition has been announced for Wednesday 24th April 2024. This will be a GCSE ‘booster’ revision session on Macbeth, aimed at those students taking their GCSE examinations in the summer of 2024.  If your child isn’t taking their GCSE examinations this year, don’t worry — there will be more Masterclasses coming soon, for different subjects/age ranges. As mentioned already, please keep your eye on the Masterclasses page here. Oh, and in case you’re wondering about the picture, it certainly isn’t random! I took this picture at the weekend, during a trip to Yorkshire. Some readers may recognise it; it is, of course, Whitby Abbey. Amongst the several reasons why this monument is steeped in history, Whitby Abbey is featured in Bram Stoker’s iconic novel Dracula. Stoker’s novel is often cited as one of the most recognisable examples of Gothic fiction — a genre which is often linked to Macbeth. However, what is particularly interesting about this link is that there is no doubt about Macbeth pre-dating the Gothic genre (i.e. it was written prior to the Gothic literary ‘movement’/’style period’). Nonetheless, Macbeth is often identified amongst the precursors to Gothic fiction, along with some of Shakespeare’s other plays, such as Hamlet, which feature corresponding tropes.  ~ Written by Rhys.