a group of blue and white triangles

New ‘Masterclasses’ section: first session announced!

So, our first website as Eduprosper Tuition launched yesterday (18th April 2024)! One new feature which I am pleased to introduce you to is the ‘Masterclasses’ page here.  Parents and carers can navigate to this page in order to: browse through the details of the upcoming ‘Masterclass’ sessions; determine whether or not there are spaces available on the given group session; directly register their child for the event(s) and pay via the portal.

At the time of writing this blog post, our first Masterclass session as Eduprosper Tuition has been announced for Wednesday 24th April 2024. This will be a GCSE ‘booster’ revision session on Macbeth, aimed at those students taking their GCSE examinations in the summer of 2024. 

If your child isn’t taking their GCSE examinations this year, don’t worry — there will be more Masterclasses coming soon, for different subjects/age ranges. As mentioned already, please keep your eye on the Masterclasses page here.

Oh, and in case you’re wondering about the picture, it certainly isn’t random! I took this picture at the weekend, during a trip to Yorkshire. Some readers may recognise it; it is, of course, Whitby Abbey. Amongst the several reasons why this monument is steeped in history, Whitby Abbey is featured in Bram Stoker’s iconic novel Dracula. Stoker’s novel is often cited as one of the most recognisable examples of Gothic fiction — a genre which is often linked to Macbeth. However, what is particularly interesting about this link is that there is no doubt about Macbeth pre-dating the Gothic genre (i.e. it was written prior to the Gothic literary ‘movement’/’style period’). Nonetheless, Macbeth is often identified amongst the precursors to Gothic fiction, along with some of Shakespeare’s other plays, such as Hamlet, which feature corresponding tropes. 

~ Written by Rhys.

a stone building with a body of water in the background with Whitby Abbey in the background