
Complaints Policy

At Eduprosper Tuition, we are committed to providing high-quality tutoring services and ensuring customer satisfaction. However, we understand that issues may arise from time to time. We take all complaints seriously and aim to resolve them promptly and fairly. Please follow the steps below to address any concerns you might have:

Step 1: Direct Communication

If you have a complaint or concern, the first and most effective step is to communicate directly with the company director, Rhys Locke. You can reach out to Rhys, initially, via email (info@eduprosper.com) to discuss the issue in writing or request a callback. As a representative of Eduprosper Tuition, Rhys endeavours to channel open and honest communication, and will do his best to address your concerns as quickly as possible.

Step 2: Formal Complaint

If the issue remains unresolved after discussing it with Rhys directly, you may choose to submit a formal complaint in writing. Please include the following details in your formal complaint:

  1. Your name and contact information.
  2. A clear and detailed description of the complaint.
  3. Relevant dates and times.
  4. Any supporting documentation, if applicable.

You can send your formal complaint to: info@eduprosper.com. We will acknowledge receipt of your formal complaint within two business days.

Step 3: Investigation and Response

Upon receiving your formal complaint, we will initiate an investigation into the matter. This may involve reviewing any relevant records, communication, and other relevant information. We aim to complete this investigation within seven business days.

After the investigation, we will provide you with a written response outlining the findings and any proposed resolution. If additional time is required to fully address the issue, I will communicate this to you and provide an estimated timeline for resolution.

Step 4: Escalation

If you are not satisfied with the response provided in Step 3, you have the option to escalate the complaint. Please indicate your intention to escalate and the reasons for doing so. Your escalated complaint will be reviewed once again, and efforts will be made to reach a satisfactory resolution.

Step 5: External Mediation

If you are still not satisfied with the resolution proposed by Eduprosper Tuition, you have the option to seek external mediation through a neutral third party. This step is entirely optional and at your discretion.

Please note that the entire complaints procedure is designed to ensure transparency, fairness, and timely resolution. We are dedicated to improving our services and addressing any issues that may arise. Your feedback is essential in helping us provide a better learning experience for all our students.