
About Eduprosper Tuition

An introduction to Eduprosper Tuition from our director, Rhys.

“First and foremost, many thanks for taking the time to check out Eduprosper Tuition. I am happy to talk about anything mentioned on the website, as well as anything discussed in this bio, in more depth; however, I know that, fundamentally, you really want to know the answer to the following question: “Why should I choose Eduprosper Tuition for my child/for me?” The answer, I believe, lies in these two words: outstanding reputation. 

So, what is it about Eduprosper Tuition’s reputation that “stands out”?

I hope that gives you a taster of our values and way of working. Please, do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions – I am happy to help!”

Rhys M. Locke

(MA [Cantab.], PGCE) | Director of Eduprosper Tuition